
Our Students

Brighton Expert Tutors learning
 At Brighton Expert Tutors our students come to us for help with a range of difficulties. Some pupils have missed out on some important learning due to health reasons or developmental reasons. Some pupils have a specific learning difficulty or have a Special Educational Need or disability that has held back their learning or is effecting their self-esteem and may need specialist understanding and adapted learning to meet their learning needs. Some pupils have just disengaged with learning in their educational establishment for whatever reason and need help to reignite their motivation to learn.  
     ‘My 8 year old daughter Olive is a happy and confident reader but this wasn’t the case when we first set out on our journey with Brighton Expert Tutors. She was a reluctant reader and found it extremely hard, getting upset at thought of having to read. Because of this her confidence had also taken a knock but with help and guidance from her tutor and her reading dog, she now enjoys reading which is something she never dreamed she would!  

We have a wonderful teacher with a calm and reassuring nature, Olive immediately took to her and always comes out from her session with a beaming smile. The teacher has worked with Olive on her reading, writing and spelling and is now helping her with maths too!

Right from the initial consultation and assessment of Olive’s needs through to ongoing continual feedback, we have felt supported all the way with great communication to keep us up to date with her continued progress. Olive has benefitted from lessons both face to face and on-line which have both proved to be equally as engaging and helpful.

As a mum of three, I find that having Brighton Expert Tutors to provide Olive with an hours uninterrupted support with her learning every week is invaluable. We can’t recommend them enough.’

Caroline Rudge 
Whatever the reason, Brighton Expert Tutors have years of experience in providing children with the precise support they need to get back on track and you can be assured that they will be in the best hands.
'My son is 10 and has been having one to one lessons for 3 years.


Initially it started as a structured reading recovery programme but we quickly saw great results and knew the support would be beneficial longer term.

The results have been incredible and it’s easy to measure this in his academic progress as noted by us and his teachers. But the biggest and most important benefit has been watching a boy that considered himself a low achiever, with a crippling lack of confidence in the classroom flourish into a confident boy who raises his hand, contributes and believes what he says is relevant. This is something he would never have achieved without Kathryn.

Kathryn is not only a great teacher, she understands that some weeks, they just don’t want to do it! And she takes time to help them understand the importance of working and being able to read and write properly. A sulky start ends up with a cheery exit - always!

Aside from this he has a treasured relationship with Kathryn and Ozzy.'

Cathryn Kronham, Brighton
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Brighton Expert Tutors learning
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